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Every attack on minorities will be probed

The interim government will give all-out efforts to investigate all the attacks against the minorities following the fall of Awami League government, and bring to book all the criminals irrespective of their political affiliation.
“We will in no way accept people being attacked over religious or political identity. The [interim] government will ensure full transparency and diligence in this regard,” said Foreign Affairs Adviser Md Touhid Hossain said in his first media briefing after taking the oath on August 8.
At a meeting with all foreign ministry officials yesterday, he shared the priorities of the interim authorities.
He said the interim government condones all such attacks, whether for religious or political identity.
Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus is likely to meet the leaders of the minority communities today, Touhid said.
He also requested the media to factcheck before publishing news reports.
About the India-Bangladesh relations, he said there is no doubt the two governments had a very good relationship in the past, adding that the interim government will try to ensure the relationship is not only between the governments, but also between the two peoples.
“The people are very important in this relationship. They should feel that the relationship with India is very good … We want to take it forward and seek India’s support in this regard.”
About the deals Sheikh Hasina signed during her recent visit to India before her ousting, Touhid said, he is yet to look at them.
The foreign adviser also said the international community has expressed its readiness to work with the interim government, which is also committed to work with all for the best interest of Bangladesh. 
About the UN’s willingness to deploy a fact-finding mission to probe recent killings and violence, he said they can certainly be involved in this regard.
Today, Touhid will hold a meeting with foreign diplomats based in Dhaka and give a briefing about the country’s latest situation while also seek their support. The issue of restarting visa issuance will also come up.
He also said the government will maintain the policy of anti-discrimination in all spheres of life, and especially emphasise on the welfare of the more than 10 million Bangladeshis abroad. “We want to ensure they get better services.”
Chief Adviser Yunus himself will speak to the high authorities of the UAE to release over 50 Bangladeshis, who were jailed for holding rallies in solidarity with the students in Bangladesh.
Regarding former Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wazed Joy’s claim that Hasina has not resigned, he said he has confirmation that her resignation letter was sent to the president.
